October 29, 2010

Travel, Doggy Joy, and Paying It Forward for November

I am sitting on a couch and looking out of the window at the gray drizzle and the rain says, "Welcome to Portland, Oregon." My flight to Oregon from New York was delayed by two hours but the actual flight was comfortable and quick. The plane was half empty and thanks to Gabe's generosity I had a seat with "extra legroom".
I was so happy to land and see my friends after such a long time. We visited local cafe's, coffee shops, and stores. I saw my friend's university campus and have generally enjoyed viewing every changing leaf in the state. I did have an issue where I almost over heated on the streetcar and felt like I was going to faint.  But so far, I am loving the whole city. More on Portland later.
I had a moment of Pure Joy this morning when I was lying on a deflating air mattress on the wooden floor of my friend's apartment. Her dog came tumbling out of the bedroom and just ran to me and licked my face and cuddled with me. I laughed and I realized it was just pure goodness spewing forth.
Next month, Paying it forward. Giving in response to everything I have received.

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