November 30, 2010

End of November Wrap Up and December's Project

 November Observations: I thought that alternative giving month would give me so many opportunities to give and in some ways it has. I have given food, money, donations that were known and unknown, large and small donations at each turn but I have also learned that I am already a giver.
What one earth do I mean? Only 5 or 6 times this month did I give specifically because it was alternative giving month. The other 20-25 times I gave were the same as I normally would. I am still happy that I did it. I am also excited for December.

December's theme is "The Great Outdoors" 

I happened to have grown up in a beautiful town (see above). It is well-known for fishing, surfing, and the outdoors and I did not take much advantage as a child outside of normal play. If it were not for Girl Scouts, I would not have gone camping as much,  nor would I be so comfortable out of doors. 

For the month of December I have decided to go outdoors more. Generally, Florida is very hot but at this time of year the outdoors can be enjoyed in relative comfort. I have planned a bonfire and weenie roast for the weekend to jump stat my great outdoors month. I also have a camping trip set for mid-month followed by horse back riding at the end of the month. Though these activities are set and I am very excited. I will try to find opportunities to be outdoors more often. 

There is nothing like the sun shining on your face.

November 25, 2010

I Am Thankful

 All over the United States of America millions of families are sitting down to a meal. The meal will be delicious, it will be filling, and  it will produce enough leftovers to feed a small third world country. My family is no different. There are just three of us this year making a Thanksgiving meal. While the food is often the highlight of the holiday, my favorite part is pulling out the turkey platter. 

The platter is not attractive, it is not new, and it is not well-made. It is, however, a family tradition. My mother purchased this plastic platter twenty-four years ago at the only grocery store in town (at the time anyway.) It was purchased out of necessity for our first Thanksgiving after moving to Florida in October of that year. 

That first year my job responsibilities included finding the turkey platter and washing it, taking down the china, and clearing the table. As I grew older my job list grew as well. I would be be now responsible for peeling apples, rolling pie crusts, and keeping the dog away from the turkey. Now, my job duties include everything. Making the turkey, preparing desserts, peeling, cutting, and roasting vegetables, clearing the table, and pulling down the china. The last thing I will do this year (before the heavy cleanup) is pull out the turkey platter, wash it off, and get it ready to hold the countless years of memories that belong on its wide back.

November 17, 2010


I have continued my alternate giving plan since my last update. I have donated to Publix grocery stores for their food drive campaign. I have given a huge bag of supplies to the Boy Scouts of America's local food drive. I have urged my students (through the "gift" of extra credit) to donate bags of groceries to The Children's Home Society food drive being held at the school and the list goes on and on.

The school food drive was going poorly. Blame it on poor advertising, blame it on hard economic times, blame it on ignorance, blame it on apathy, whatever you like but, I was determined to fix the problem. When I spoke with the head of the food drive he had collected just four bags of groceries in two weeks. I offered 10 points towards the lowest test score of the quarter and wouldn't you know the food came piling in. I had 43 students participate in the food drive bringing in over 65 bags of groceries. The gratitude I received from the director was incredible. He was so happy that he wouldn't have to disappoint the Children's Home Society. It cost me nothing (other than the full bag of quality food I purchased to show as an example) to help fill a food pantry. I often wonder how much more the school could have collected if other teachers were willing to offer a few points to a group of kids. Perhaps there can be some sort of competition next year to get a higher rate of participation. I will speak with the director and find out.

What have you done to give this month? Are you thankful for what you have? Truly?

November 7, 2010

Paying It Forward or Alternative Giving

A few months ago I was literally sitting at a gas station with no gas in my car. I had five hours until my paycheck cleared and I was 15 miles from home. I was so embarrassed but I had to ask a woman if she would give me $3.00 for a gallon of gas. She gave me a $5.00 bill and refused any attempt for me to pay her at a later time. She just said to Pay It Forward.
The month of November is best known for the holiday of Thanksgiving. What better way to work on my happiness project than by working on Alternative Giving or in Hebrew Tzedakah which means righteousness but is often translated as charity. "In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due."
The goal of the month is to give as many times as possible. Jewish Sages teach that it is better to give one dollar one hundred times rather than give one hundred dollars away just once. The understanding is that by giving over and over again the soul recognizes the act and becomes accustomed to giving as a part of its inherent nature.
I too will give as many times as I can this month. I have already begun and I will list just a few of the opportunities I have had to give tzedakah since November 1st.  1) I got soup at Panera bread and put $1.00 in their donation box.  2) I purchased chili at Wendy's and put my change into the Dave Thomas Foundation box. 3) I needed a pair of shoes so I bought Tom's. Tom's donates a pair of shoes with every purchase. 4) I spent an extra $30.00 at Publix so I can supply goods to the Boy Scouts food drive next week and a bag for my school's food drive this week.
It was quite easy to give tzedakah so far. I shopped Publix's buy one get one free section for healthy and nutritious foods for the food drive. I was able to purchase peanut butter, whole wheat pasta, tuna, meat soups, etc. for very little money and even less effort.
I wonder how giving as many times I can this month will affect my soul.  I feel as if I am a giving person already but by focusing on every opportunity to give I will be following a commandment to give and elevating my soul through the act. I just wonder if I will be able to feel it in some way.